Wednesday, March 04, 2009

House Audio Recording

Some folks have requested an audio recording of yesterday's House debate on our bill. Which we have, of course.

FTH House Debate 2009.mp3

Be prepared to be angered and offended by the self-righteous ignorance, such as Richard Laird's assertion that the quality of a church should be judged by whether or not its members would shame a legislator over a pro-alcohol vote.

posted by Danner at 4:51 PM     permanent link     

Anonymous Anonymous said...
That is incredible. It's crazy how the conservative christians control everything in this state. I guess there really is no seperation of church and state. Can we please please elect new people in office. Holmes really did amaze me. He was even more outragous than last year. What a racist!
March 04, 2009 6:46 PM  

Blogger Erik said...
What a freaking joke, this first guy. "Our kids may be textin' while driving...they're textin' a friend to get em some of that 'premium beer'."

Riiight. Sounds like we're asking to repeal prohibition or something.

What an interesting and mind numbing process.
March 04, 2009 10:59 PM  

Blogger Erik said...
Wow Alvin:

"We need to concentrate on the important stuff like the economy, layoffs, and what let me stand up here and senselessly flap my gums for roughly 10 minutes, then I'll top it off with some unrelated scripture."
March 04, 2009 11:15 PM  

Blogger Chris said...
Really? Alvin Holmes actually pulled the race card?

March 04, 2009 11:25 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said...
This infuriates me on so many levels! I used to wonder why all of our elected officials sound like idiots most of the time, and now I see it's because they are idiots! It's obvious now why we can't get any intelligent people in congress. If I had to listen to crap like this every day I would probably kill myself. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying this just because their views are different from mine, it's the delivery of their views that bother me. It seems as if most of the opposition listened to the speaker announce what the bill was about and as soon as they heard the word beer, immediately decided in their head that our intentions were to get high ABV beer sold in Alabama so that teenagers would have more of a variety to get drunk off of. This makes my head hurt!
March 05, 2009 1:12 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said...
One thing I wonder...

The profundity that the likes of Laird and Bridges drool, are they just posturing for their constituency or do they themselves actually hold these beliefs and objections? If they are just posturing, I mean, it seems like they are just fulfilling their debt to those that elected them. Even if doing so makes you shallow and inept at thought. If they really cling to the ignorant beliefs they spout, then all my anger and rage seems more rational and useful.

Any opinion from those more experienced with politics?
March 05, 2009 8:29 PM  

Blogger Unknown said...
I suspect that it's a mix of both, Luther. They believe it, but they make a big "Oh lawd, the world is comin' to an end when Alabama has some of that premium beer, milked straight from Lucifer's fiery utter!" speech so they can have some nice audio clips when election comes up.
March 06, 2009 8:39 AM  

Blogger Danner said...
I'm certain Laird and Bridges believe their ignorance. But House debates usually aren't recorded; we record them for our own purposes. So they're not generating clips for their campaigns. I think it's a catharsis for them to get up and yell about the Devil's brew.
March 06, 2009 10:29 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said...
"Lucifer's fiery utter", you have to let me use that! Awesome.
March 06, 2009 10:42 AM  

Blogger Matt Stokes said...
So frustrating. Just remember that are some Christians who support FTH. Drinking with Luther and Calvin...great book on teetotalism.
March 06, 2009 2:23 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said...
No doubt, Matt. Luther and Calvin kicked ass.

It's the self-righteous and insistent ones that disregard history to whom my laughter is directed. I'm sure Luther (my blogger namesake, none the less) and Calvin would kick back, down a fat pint, and drop some theology with FTH should they be around, today.
March 06, 2009 2:54 PM  

Blogger Horsley said...
I'm still a little confused as to how race has anything to do with the bill. I'm also confused as to how these people continue to vote on these bills, when they have no read it or know what it says. Can we please sent a letter to the citizens in Holmes district that says he is ignorant and is not representing their area worth a sh!t.
March 08, 2009 5:01 PM  

Blogger FTH Fred said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
March 09, 2009 6:35 PM  

Blogger Unknown said...
Did the first guy speaking against actually believe that the bill raised alcohol content in every beer??? In any case, yeah... I shouldn't have listened, I am irritated at the ignorance.
March 10, 2009 2:15 PM  

Blogger Rob said...
As a conservative Christian, I find his comments offensive. Several of the great church fathers from the 19th century brewed their own beer.

To quote Martin Luther:

“Do you suppose that abuses are eliminated by destroying the object which is abused? Men can go wrong with wine and women. Shall we then prohibit and abolish women?” – Martin Luther

John Calvin’s annual salary package included upwards of 250 gallons of wine to be enjoyed by he and his guests. Martin Luther explained the entire reformation as “…while I sat still and drank beer with Philip and Amsdorf, God dealt the papacy a mighty blow.” Luther’s wife Catherine was a skilled brewer and his love letters to her when they were apart lamented his inability to drink her beer. When the Puritan’s landed on Plymouth Rock the first permanent building they erected was the brewery.
March 11, 2009 3:10 PM  

Blogger Reggie Giles said...

Listening to this makes me want to poke my eyes out...
March 11, 2009 3:39 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said...
When are people going to learn to separate church from state? When I was a teenager I would have not paid $10 for one beer. Now as an adult I would. They do not talk about how you can buy 150 proof Vodka or higher content grain alcohol like Everclear in which kids can buy for $7 for a gallon of liquor. FREE THE HOPS!
March 11, 2009 4:25 PM  

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