Cautious Optimism
Bingo bill filibuster is unlikely to tie up Senate, Barron saysBarron, chairman of the Rules Committee, the panel that controls the flow of legislation to the Senate floor, said politics in the Senate have changed since the 2008 session.
A year ago, Sen. Myron Penn, D-Union Springs, kept the Senate tied up in a filibuster for more than a month over a proposed constitutional amendment that would expand bingo in Macon County.
Barron said Thursday that kind of filibuster isn't likely to happen this session because Democrats and Republicans are working together.
"We are in a totally different posture than last year," he said.
In 2008, Republican senators, still angry over rules changes they believed were unfair, helped Penn in his stalling tactics.
"Last year I couldn't get the Republicans to carry (postpone) the gambling bill over, and they had enough Democrat votes over there so I couldn't get a majority to carry it over," Barron said. "But we've got a good bipartisan working relationship in this body, and I think it will continue."
We shall see. We shall see.
posted by Danner at 6:53 AM permanent link