We passed the house!
House Bill 196, the Gourmet Beer Bill, passed the house!
Next: the Senate! SB116 is the sister bill to HB196. Watch this space for more to come...

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House Bill 196, the Gourmet Beer Bill, passed the house!
Next: the Senate! SB116 is the sister bill to HB196. Watch this space for more to come...
The House may see the Senate Bill or its version again, so getting more votesis important, even though it has passed.
The roll call vote is avaialbel at Al.com under news around the state. Brandon
My rep had voted no, so I sent him a respectful note asking him to change his mind. Took every bit of restraint it have. A no vote on that bill is to pander to ALCAP, which is the rottwieler of the Alabama Baptists. You know, I consider myself a baptist. Baptists historically believe in seperation of church and state. I wish they'd all remember that and defund ALCAP. We must teach out children morality, because it sure can't be legislated.
my senator is Hank Erwin who has degrees from Southwestern Bible College and from Dallas Baptist Seminary. He also serves on the ALCAP board. Needless to say, he is most likely voting no. Emailed him to ask him to vote yes anyway...