Local Bills On A Roll
The Mobile county local bill passed the House today. We proved the House will pass an ABV limit increase. Of course, it won't have any impact on citizens in Mobile unless the Senate breaks from deadlock and starts passing bills, which did not happen today. Four days left.
The Jefferson County local bill is first on the agenda for the local committee tomorrow and we expect it to pass committee easily. Then it can come up for a vote on Tuesday and pass the House by a similar vote count as the Mobile local bill. But again, it's just a shot in the arm for our morale, not a victory that affects AL citizens, unless the Senate starts doing business.
No matter what happens, this all bodes well for us, as it shows that our issue can pass the House and we will get another chance to make it happen via local bills in a special session if it comes to that. At that point, we'll get a chance to reach final passage in the legislature and Trappiste ales, barleywines and imperial stouts will become legal for a large percentage of Alabama citizens. Then the rest of the state will follow next year.
In spite of the frustrating BS going on in the Senate, today was a good day for us and worth celebrating.