Friday, April 13, 2007

Friday the 13th

I hope to see some of you tonight at the Grand Opening of The J. Clyde. As mentioned in the last newsletter, they are going to have several promotions going on just for FTH members. It should be a lot of fun. It's right next door to the Blue Monkey, on Cobb Lane.

I should be there somewhere in the neighborhood of 8:00pm. Right now my plan is to wear this shirt:

See you there!

p.s. I'm proud to announce we have surpassed the 1000 subscriber mark on our newsletter. Over 1000 people are now watching the progress of the Gourmet Beer Bill. Pretty cool.

posted by Danner at 6:45 AM     permanent link     

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I’m one f those but I’m sill not getting it. I’ve also tried to register for the forums with no luck. Please don’t take this for complaining. I completely understand you guys are working hard o the important matter of the Gourmet bill, but though I should mention it.

Good luck and keep fighting!

April 14, 2007 7:40 AM  

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