Thanks to everyone at the Birmingham Oktoberfest. Just got back and we had a really good time.
They had a nice selection of good German beer. Paulaner and Spaten Oktoberfests. Blue Moon Pumpkin (not German of course). Warsteiner Dunkel. And others.
Great food, too. Bratwurst, knackwurst, saurkraut, potato salad, and a host of other tasty edibles. Plus accordian music and traditional German dancing.
They do it every year in October. If you've never been, I reccommend you check it out. They kindly let us distribute flyers at the tables and get up to make an announcement about our campaign. What better place to plug a beer campaign than at a bonified German Oktoberfest?
The Daily Show filming went well earlier this week and the segment is tentatively scheduled to air on the 17th of this month. I'll let you know if that changes. And for the record, regardless of Bakkedahl's innuendo, I'm really not gay...
posted by Danner at 8:14 PM permanent link
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