Thank You Pat
I'd like to publicly thank Pat Lynch of Birmingham Budweiser for calling me and agreeing to talk about these issues.
We'll be meeting in a week or so. I look forward to talking to him and the other Alabama beer wholesalers and finding a way for us all to address these issues in a way that benefits everyone.
The craft beer revolution is here. It is the future of beer. Anheuser-Busch has already started taking part in that revolution with new craft beer releases happening this year and I know there will be more in the future.
I have a good feeling about where things are now headed. Everyone watch this space for new developments in the very near future.
Free Beer.

The beer wholesalers association meeting was postponed due to Katrina. They were supposed to have voted earlier this month on whether to support the lifting of both limits, only one, or none. Now that meeting is scheduled for this Thursday, 8:00am.
This is pivotal. If they vote "yes" on lifting both limits, FTH's job gets really easy. The wholesalers themselves will carry most of the burden. We'll still be an important part of the process, giving voice to the citizens, a voice legislators care very much about. But the benefits of the assistance of the wholesalers cannot be overstated.
If they vote "no" (read: if the Bud distributors vote "no") everything falls on the shoulders of FTH. We carry the burden, with the assistance of our allies, which would include wholesalers other than the Bud distributors.
This is it. Where the poop hits the fan. Either Bud is with us or against us. Lets hope they see the writing on the wall and join the forces of good.

Publicity Ops
This Wednesday, Sept. 28, we are scheduled to appear on AM 690's JOX Roundtable. The show airs from 11am-1pm, but i'm sure they won't be talking to us the entire time and i don't know precisely when we'll be on. Should be me and Rocky Garrett.
Also note that a crew from Comedy Central's The Daily Show is scheduled to be out here to interview me this Friday. I would guess it takes them a couple weeks to edit footage and compile a polished piece to air. I'll of course post again as soon as i have the exact air date.

Small Note
One year ago today, i registered the domain, which is really where it all started.
Today is FTH's one year birthday. I think i'll toast to that with a beer.
More stuff will be posted soon. Things are churning quietly in the background. Keep your eyes open.