Mobile/Cannon Brewpub/Todd Hicks
What a great weekend. Lee, Jason, and I all had a blast at the Mobile Beer Fest Saturday, even though we didn't technically go through the Fest itself. We just hung out at the Brewpub, helped register people for the Fest, and enjoyed Todd's great beer.
We introduced a lot of folks to FTH, signed a few up, and heard assurances from many more that they were supportive, would check out the website, and probably sign up for membership. I personally talked for quite a while to Ben Meisler, founder and president of the LA Lagers homebrew club, and he shared some of his private stash with me. I think Ben may be able to help us organize some future events down in Mobile. He's obviously a beer lover, and even tried his hand at the Brewpub business once upon a time.
And I'm very thankful for Todd's hospitality. He let us crash at his place Saturday night. He also shared with us an insane homebrew of his that is one of the most unique and amazing beers i've ever tasted. And he took us to a "Luau" put on by some of his beer-loving friends where they graciously shared their own homebrew and some of the best smoked pork i've ever had.
We had a great time and spread the good word about FTH. Everyone at Mr. Jim's Cannon Brewpub was very kind and they are big supporters of FTH. I hope all of you will go out of your way to support that important establishment. Alabama needs good local craft beer, and Todd's beers fit the bill.

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Thanks to the Mobile Homebrewers club for sharing your BBQ and homebrew with us as well. Even more great food and great beer we got to taste while in Mobile.
And to all the Brewfest attendees who stopped by and talked with us about changing Alabama's outdated beer laws, we hope you'll continue to support Free The Hops and its mission. If you didn't join at the Brewfest, you can do so anytime here on the FTH website. And don't forget to start writing those letters to your legislators.