Mobile Brewer and Brewpub Survive!
Just received an email from Todd Hicks. He's ok, and it looks like the Brewpub will pull through as well.
Here is the text of his email:
We are ok. Power was lost at 6 am before the storm hit. We are still without power (3 pm Wednesday Aug 31) and it could be up to 3 weeks before power is restored is all Mobile areas. Ala Power thinks that will be up tonight possibly, but it is raining. I put a generator online today at home to keep the beer cold and us comfortable. However, we blew the keg of Oktoberfest early last night. Downtown looks rough with a few buildings partially fallen down, trees down all over, and deep flooding of water street and the tunnels. Brewery has a lot of damage to equipment on the roof and no power. If we get power back tonight or tomorrow we will be able to save most of the food and probably open with a limited offering. The beer should be ok. I will fill you in of beerfest stuff later. Todd