Congrats to PTC
I'd like to personally congratulate everyone who joined in Pop The Cap's efforts to lift North Carolina's 6% ABV limit on beer. Yesterday, their bill was passed in the NC Senate and now awaits a signature by the Governor of that state. If the Governor doesn't sign within 10 days, the bill automatically becomes law. See for details.
They did it! I'm happy for them. And i'm happy for us, because the dominoes are falling. First Ohio. Then Georgia. Now North Carolina. We're next. It's proof that legislators in other states have realized how inane the Prohibition era laws are, and are repealing them left and right. It makes perfect sense for Alabama to follow in the footsteps of the these other states and allow all of the world's best beers to be sold here.
So please join me in celebrating with North Carolinians on their great victory in the battle against the oppression of beer. They liberated their hops, now we will liberate ours.

Anonymous said...
- Well, it's really not quite over yet. Easley still has to sign the bill, or at least refuse to veto it. That hasn't happened yet. All a waiting game now, but it's a good sign that he didn't veto immediately.
August 08, 2005 10:11 AM
Anonymous said...
- Looks certain this WILL become law on Tuesday, August 16 at 12:01 a.m. Congratulations North Carolina! We hope to join you before too long.
August 12, 2005 9:12 PM