Wow. I'm still in shock.
Just got off the phone with Harry. Acting on behalf of the President of the Alabama Wholesale Beer Association, Executive Director Donna Alexander just called a meeting of the Association for middle of next week. The meeting will be hosted by Birmingham Budweiser, and there are two items on the agenda: the ABV limit and the container limit on beer in Alabama. According to Harry, Donna is using to set the agenda. This website is providing the material for discussion.
Harry spoke with the manager of Birmingham Budweiser, and it currently appears they are not going to oppose it.
We are now faced with a possibility that was literally unthinkable a year ago: the beer wholesalers may themselves introduce legislation to remove both limits this year.
Let that sink in.
Nothing's official yet. The meeting still has to take place. As the old adage warns, don't count your chickens before they hatch. At this point, this info still qualifies as gossip, thus i'm posting to the blog rather than sending out a newsletter. Even assuming the wholesalers do indeed vote to introduce legislation on both limits, there still may be much to be done by FTH. Lots of strategizing in our future.
Right now, i'm cautiously optimistic. And i thank all of you for your support. Obviously, if the Executive Director of the Wholesale Association is using this website for the purpose of setting the agenda for a meeting, we are having an impact on these issues in Alabama. Stay tuned for details.