Welcome to the FTH Blog
Unlike many blogs, this won't merely be an exercise in vanity or chock
full of worthless political commentary. This is a place to find out the
latest on what's happening in the fight to liberate beer in Alabama. Our
hops have remained in shackles for far too long. It's time to free them.
At the bottom of each post, you'll notice three hyperlinks: "permanent
link," "comments," and an email icon. The first will allow you to view
the post in its own page, together with any comments. The second will
pop up a window allowing you to leave a comment, and the third will
allow you to easily email a link to the post to anyone who you think
might be interested in seeing it.
Since we've chosen to allow comments, I want to set some rules for
posting here. In a nutshell, this website is an electronic ambassador
for our cause. Anyone can see it and read it, including those who might
end up voting on whether these laws get changed. Therefore, it is
absolutely imperative that we put forth the best possible image. So, all
comments will be strictly censored for foul language or anything I deem
offensive. No democracy on this matter; you don't get to file a
grievance if you have a comment deleted. I've met many of you in person
and I know you're not the kind of people who would post anything
inappropriate, so I don't anticipate having to delete anything, ever.
But I'm laying down the law just in case.
Now, glad you're here and I hope you'll bookmark this page and check it
often for all the latest updates on Free The Hops.